After a FAB date with my hubby last night, today I was feeling pretty positive and Voila, Second attempt brought me sweet success.
Whoop whoop. Thing is I am not even a big Pavlova eater so I might not even do this again, I just needed to try it so I can claim to be able to bake a kiwi classic, and start my goal for 2011 with a bang, and that is to be more adventurous in the kitchen.
Check out the photos, I wanted to get a photo of me holding the bowl upside down, Mum taught me that you know it is whipped when you can turn it upside down and have it stay put, but being home alone made that almost impossible.
Wow I'm impressed.
I love it and have NEVER been able to make one.
I need to recipe please!
Can you email it to me or put it on the blog?
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Gracie thought you were taking pic's of her.
Cute girl.
Well done Jess!! Looks like a great pav, crispy on the outside, no doubt marshmallowy on the inside! My first pav was a failure. It tasted nice, but I spread it out too thin and it looked ridiculous. It got nicknamed a pav-cake (like pancake ; ) Anyway it was still yum and i just piled the cream high ha ha. Another pav tip for good whipping, use room temperature eggs : )
Looks awesome Jessie, you're well on your way to 'domestic goddess' status!
Well done Jessie!!! It looks fab for 2nd attempt!!! Good on you - your brave! I think I will just stick to making my caramel slice and leave the pavs to you! ha ha
Your pav looks amazing Jessie. Pavlova is one of my favourite desserts but I have never made one -Crystal is the pav queen in our family.
2 words. yum.....o!
wow i see how it is. I blog all the time get maybe 2 comments. Jessie blogs and 6 straight away....Crickey heck it was a way nice pav though and she gave 3/4 of it away gutted but that what i love about jessie wessie
You've just got to cook something yummy. Scooters are good, but you can't eat them
Brilliant Jessica!!! Brilliant!!!!
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