Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bring 'Espana' to the family!

So I will blog about my trip later but for now let me celebrate with food. Boy it was good and my tummy hasn't ben the same being back in NZ. We went to a cooking class and this seems to be the easiest to cook so Gracie and I gave it a crack. 

It's Spanish tortillas 
Ingredients: patatas, cebollos, aceite, huevos y vegi's to hide in for the ninos haha. 

(see how thin those patata slices are 'viva salamanca', I had the wrist motion going and everything ;-), Xavier would be proud haha)

Semi deep fry the patatas and cebollos for vientecinco mins, add the vegi, flip it using a plate, put it back on the heat, and there you have it. 

The photos explain is all. Gracie ate it eventually. It was a hit We had a really good time making it. Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Operation 72hour kit fail

Well this blog I feel comes with a lot of laughs. We realised last week that our 72 hour kit food was expiring so we thought to ourselves 'lets do a test run next Monday' so we did. We prepared the kids by telling them sometimes earthquakes, volcanos, and tornados damage the power so we have no light and have to survive. We turned the lights off and the fun began.

We started lighting all the candles and I don't know if this is common knowledge but those little circle candles are rubbish. We had them everywhere and we could hardly see. We had a lantern that we had to take everywhere.

We started on the dinner and prepared the pasta dish and beef curry. We blessed the food and took the first bite.  It was like a Hollywood movie Jessie and I looked at each other and knew we couldn't turn back. We previously decided that we would have the black out till the kids are in bed. After that first bite we knew it would be tough.

I convinced jessie the beef curry was better and she ended up spewing it out haha. There was a cool like snack pack that came with raro and lollies. So we played 'don't eat Pete' with the lollies and decided the quicker we can get the kids into bed the kicker we could end this torture haha.

Overall it was a disaster, I realised that we are not prepared, have rubbish lighting, and the food would make us all sick.  It was crack up when I was relaying it to my students at school today. Jessie had some really good ideas from it. Like doing it every year at the daylight savings going into winter. Brilliant idea I thought. Anyways thought it was worth a blog