Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Most Disgusting Thing You Ever Did See

So me and Haydn have been trying to spend some more quality time together, mainly because we JUST got the internet at our place and Haydn never gets off it. (Milz I know it's for a good cause but I'm pregnant and vunerable)
So we start making some cookies, which is fast becoming a tradition on our Sunday afternoons and Haydn is just finding it a little too hard to concentrate. I have to think of something to keep him focused on and anything BUT the internet PRONTO!
He walks into our computer room and the internet is STILL on and he sees a mate online that he hasn't talked to in like maybe a week (booohooo) and I tell him to turn it off or he doesn't get to feel my preggy belly for 24 hours. Since he just can't bear to be away from the technology he decides it might be a good idea to clean our keyboard which was starting to look pretty grim. I love cleaning so I decide it could be fun............until I see whats underneath the keys, Dun Dun DUUUUUUNNNNNNNNN...................check it out
Is that not THE most disgusting thing you have ever seen? I almost threw up.
So this is the keyboard with all the keys off. Now to save myself from the embarrassment that has already consumed me, in my defence this keyboard was bought with our new computer 7 years ago when we still lived in England. Dad just got a new Mac and gave us this computer and I am pretty sure we have never cleaned it. So what I'm trying to say is that is 7 years of dirt right there, no wonder it is so hideous (not sure how I thought that would save me any embarrassment actually, but just thought I needed to let you know).
Once all the keys were off I left Haydn with the empty keyboard which he vaccumed and disinfected with Cotton Buds and I scrubbed away at the kitchen sink with all the keys, now that's a lot of keys right there, it took quite a while, and I was a bit over it......
....... BUT after the keys dried we had heaps of fun putting them all back in the right spot (I was the clever one and decided we took a photo before we took them all off LUCKY) and then I couldn't WAIT to get on the net and blog about my amazingly clean and disinfected keyboard.
Thanks Haydn this experience has truly helped us bond! (I told you cleaning can be fun!) Love you xxx

This blog was brought to you by the cleanest keyboard you ever did see and a happy pregnant wife ;)


Melissa said...

Wow that really is gross man.
Good for you guys. It looks so, so CLEAN!!!
I'm glad you guys could bond.
Hey man I don't take up that much of Haydie ho's time.

Crystal said...

oh my gosh that is fully disgusting. GROSS> I think my one at work is pretty gross too - i didn't even know you could take a keyboard apart like that!?!

Kristin said...

ew ew and double ew.

SOunds like the internet is to Haydn, what the iphone is to Chris. I had to threaten to throw it in the toilet, and I was pregnant then, but I'm still sticking to my threats now.

Wish we had a Sunday cookie tradition. Oh, I mean, someone to come over on Sundays and bake cookies for me...