Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bring 'Espana' to the family!

So I will blog about my trip later but for now let me celebrate with food. Boy it was good and my tummy hasn't ben the same being back in NZ. We went to a cooking class and this seems to be the easiest to cook so Gracie and I gave it a crack. 

It's Spanish tortillas 
Ingredients: patatas, cebollos, aceite, huevos y vegi's to hide in for the ninos haha. 

(see how thin those patata slices are 'viva salamanca', I had the wrist motion going and everything ;-), Xavier would be proud haha)

Semi deep fry the patatas and cebollos for vientecinco mins, add the vegi, flip it using a plate, put it back on the heat, and there you have it. 

The photos explain is all. Gracie ate it eventually. It was a hit We had a really good time making it. Enjoy!!!


Melissa said...

I have no idea what those words are. I'll have to make those pics big to see.

Eatlovemerry said...

Looks so good! X