Monday, November 23, 2009


24 weeks and 1 day

26 weeks and 2 days

So Kristin wanted some baby bump photos and I thought it was good idea to journal some of these.
I hope you enjoy them, because that bump right there is the cause of my almost constant heartburn the last week or so. BLLLLUUUUUUURRRRRGGGGHHHHHH
Pretty huge aye?
It's funny how when I first got pregnant I could not WAIT to get a bump, then I am surrounded by these tiny pregnant women in their third trimesters (well not surrounded just my 2 sisters in law) who have neat compact cute little bumps, and I hate it.
I love being pregnant though, and I can't wait to meet my little girl in February!


Melissa said...

I don't think it's pretty huge, I think it looks cute and awesome.
Sorry you're getting tons of heartburn. I did with Takeshi as well.
Sucks man, it'd wake me up in the middle of the night.

Kristin said...

Yep, you're pretty small. Melissa and I hate you. LOL. Totally kidding. I was little with my first too. It's all down hill...
TUMS for the heartburn. I went through like 3 bottles in my last trimester. Oh, and caffeine and chocolate make it worse. I know. Just kill me. Now that I don't have the heartburn, it gives the baby gas and he screams all night. Sigh. I have no pleasures in life anymore...
See what you're in for? The sacrifices are never ending. Worth it though. Totally worth it.
You look darling. Good luck with the next few months.

Jessie said...

Heartburn medicine makes me nauseous within 20mins of taking it and I LOVE coke right now so I'm pretty screwed hahaha
I heard heartburn means your having a hairy baby lol.

Haydn said...

chocolate ayeeee, unlucky jessie no more of that in the shopping list hahaha, i think your way cute jessie i love the bump

Crystal said...

sooo cute you look great! dammit i know I'm going to turn into a freakin whale when i get pregnant.

Kristin said...

I've never heard the heartburn/hairy baby connection, but judging by Haydn's legs, I think you're going to get a hairy kid regardless. LOL.