Friday, April 30, 2010

Bath time

Gracie loves bath time, is doesnt matter if she is crying or hungry the second she is in the water she is loving it. she is pretty cute aye, the only problem is taking her out cos she goes crazy lol


Melissa said...

That's good man. All babies go crazy when they're outt've the bath aye, cause it's so freakn cold when they get out.
Yuki hated the bath until one year old man.
I had to warn people I was bathing her and not strangling her in back man cause she screamed THE WHOLE BATH.
Masaru, Takeshi, sweet as in the bath.
Our next girl is gonna be like Grace, maybe we'll call her Grace........wooooooooow!!

Kristin said...

Is that a rubbish bin you're bathing her in? That's the weirdest baby tub I've ever seen.

She's cute though. Thanks again for the chocolate. It's taken up permanent residence on my hips...


Oh she is growing up so fast! What a little cutie! I have always wondered how those baths work though? Are they easier than the normal bath?

Jessie said...

It's a tummy tub LOL it's supposed to feel like they are in the womb again. It is a little mor difficult to bath her but I just make sure Haydn is around but she LOOOOOOOVVVVEEESSSSSS it she would stay in there all day if she could.

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....