Friday, April 23, 2010


Well jessie decided to do a puzzle, i thought i would jump on the band wagon too so we hunted down one to do. Now im not a puzzle expert but i thought that a 1000 piece would take maybe a few hours. More like a few weeks!! This bad boy took ages. There are a few things that i learnt during it though 1. You have to have a lot of time spare 2. Be patient and never give up and 3. im never doing on again lol. It was good finishing it, felt a sense of satisfaction, procrastinated in other areas of my life, and it felt pretty good smashing it afterwards too.


Crystal said...

i really like the wasgij puzzles. me and sam get into puzzles every now and then : )

Melissa said...

Mad funny.
Never thought I'd see the day where you'd do an awesome puzzle.