Sunday, June 6, 2010

You're so Vain!

Gracie never really liked tummy time, she could do it she just didn't find it fun and always used to face plant into the floor after a couple of minutes, even when I was right in front of her, singing, dancing, shaking toys......NOTHING would get her to look up, her Mummy just didn't do it for her.
She was getting a little better but it was still frustrating me, so on my playdate at Carlys house this week I remembered that she puts Ashton (her little guy)in front of a mirror for tummy time so I tried it and Voila!'re so vain! It was instant, she didn't flop once, I was on the sideline cheering and smiling and talking and she didn't even acknowledge I was there! She went for about half an hour staring at herself, talking to herself, smiling, dribbling! It used to be over in 2 minutes when she would start licking the carpet.
And this one is for you Milz, after I did this to Yuki I swore I would never let it happen again and LOOK! I think me and you are way too obsessed with headbands! But she didn't even squirm so I won't stop her wearing them, who knows how long it was in her face! Oops, oh well, you know what they say, Pain is Beauty, you're just going to have to deal with it Gracie! x


Melissa said...

OH.MY.GOONDESS guys she is SO.CUTE I can't even stand it.
I was cracking up at that last picture though.
Part of the process I guess.
Maybe the blackness helped her to sleep better in the back LOL
Good idea with the mirror, I'm gonna try it with my next kid cause they always hate tummy time.

Polkadot Carly said...

YAY for mirrors! What would we do without them!!! The mirror and remote controls got Ashton crawling too!