Friday, November 5, 2010

I have a degree!!!

Three years ago I decided to move to Auckland and go to university. I know I wanted to do teaching and thought I would be good at it. I typed into Google Auckland Uni and clicked on the first one that came up and applied. I was telling everyone that yeah I’m going to the uni down the road only to realise that it was the one 20mins away that I signed up for hahahahah. I went through year one making some really cool friends and where married in that year also. Failed a few assignments but that made me bounce back. The second year was good cos I was still with the same bunch of people; this was also the year Jessie got pregnant. The 3rd year Jessie gave birth to Gracie and I had my last lecture yesterday. I also have given two presentations to all of the 2nd and 1st year uni students. I never in my wildest dreams would ever think of getting an A+ and I did. My grades started to get better as my education went on. I know have a job lined up for next year and feel really good about being able to provide for my wonderful family. Jessie has never complaining about being poor, or me getting my education, and she has raised our child through it also. I do plan on continuing my education later, if I had the money I could honestly see myself becoming Dr. Wright lol. Anyways I'm proud that I stuck in there and I believe not studying on Sunday had a great impact on my results. Where the heck did these ice blocks go they where my fav?


Melissa said...

Mate those ice blocks were the best.
They have them here, just not as good flavours.
Go on man, be Dr. Wright.
You'll be the first one and the least likely.
It'll be AWESOME.

Kristin said...

Did she say the 'least likely'? Ouch. Guess you're a 'late bloomer'?

Congratulations, on the degree and the job.

Very random ending w/ the popsicles at the end btw. Very random.

Haydn said...

yeah i was looking for pictures of education and these cam back and good memories came flooding back so i thought i better add it in there