Wednesday, September 14, 2011

World Famous on One News

Well, the good thing it if you miss a TV program you can watch it on demand.  I was told I was on "One News" so I searched it up and found it. When I looked back at this I thought what was I thinking.  The funny thing was is that I showed my kids at school and jessie at home.  They had that same response "bursting out laughing".  You be the judge I am pretty happy about it.

Click on here for Video


Melissa said...

World famous in NZ aye.
Loving it.

Jessie said...

The reason I laughed Haydn is you are talking it up big time and it starts at you feet (and to be honest I am expecting it to take ages to find you) and then BAM there you are right on the screen in all your Dragon BallZ Glory! hahahahahahahhahahahahahaha

Kristin said...

OK, I watched it twice, was that you sitting next to the first guy in the team photo with the hair that looks like you were electrocuted? LOL.

If so, that's definitely better than that 100 ft. off back shot of you on scaffolding in Helping Hands! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Funny as - yes I remeber that Dragon BallZ haircut - our reactions was laughter too. Always out to make an impression eh :)