Wednesday, June 26, 2013


So, random post for y'all. My sister-in-law Melissa just happened to email me and recommend I read this book, whilst I was sitting in the library trying to figure out what book to read next!
I have recently cut down on my TV time significantly so I have been reading a lot more.
I HATE reading cheap trash, but it's such an ordeal making sure I have the next brilliant book requested on my library account.
This book was GREAT, really easy, really quick read, insanely romantic and G rated.
I will be buying it to go on my bookshelf. If I were a book I would want to be on my bookshelf, it's quite an achievement to get on there.
I think I may also be pre-ordering her next book which comes out in September. Can't WAIT!

Thanks Milz xx   


Melissa said...

Yeah, loved it.

Crystal said...

plot summary please?

Dru said...

One day I will get back into recreational reading. But for now, the J.O.B has turned me off to reading in my free time.