Thursday, June 9, 2011

Gracie's 1st Birthday!

Ok so being pregnant and sick makes blogging a not so pleasant experience, hence why I am blogging about this three months late. I couldn't WAIT for Gracie to turn 1 I
was so excited to get all her presents set up for her, like my Mum used to on our birthdays. Deep down I KNEW she wouldn't have a clue what was going on and Haydn was being a bit of a pooh and wouldn't get excited with me, he didn't even come and watch her open her presents! Pppppfffffttttttt his loss, she LOVED it, maybe because I put all the presents INSIDE the new tent, kids always get excited for new things, so thankfully I wasn't disappointed.Here are some photos of her on her actual birthday.

These were all her gifts from us, her favourite was the alphabet puzzle

Her cousin Syke turned 4 the day before so here is them blowing out their candles
(don't the cake, I SUCK at cakes and didn't think this one through)

Mum got them both a pinata to hit open

Happy as Larry

Her favourite present

She was happy cos I was happy, she had no idea what was going on

We had her party one week before her birthday, it was a 'Tea Party' so I made cupcakes and finger food, her cake was a giant cupcake! (the food and cake were a bit of a failure actually, I'm hoping I get better) I put up a photo board of all our favourite photos from the last year and we had music, drawing, playing and trampolining. The only person who couldn't come was one of Gracie's best buddies Ashton, his Mummy had to be polkadot Carly for the day for a birthday party in Remuera :(
It went well and things were starting to wrap up and people were getting ready to leave when HELLO who comes running down the drive?............ The POLKADOTS!!!! woooo hooooooo turns out they had a little lunch break after rehearsals before heading down to the party and decided to drop in to have a little cake. They performed a few songs and sang Gracie Happy Birthday. What a COOL surprise, I think I got a little over excited and me and my other wannabe polkadot friend Melissa got to perform ' Activate' with them. It was so much fun, thanks Polkadots coming to see Gracie and thanks wealthy people in Remuera who got them all dressed up and in the party mood in the first place!
Her are some photos of party day.

Grace went and found a little quiet spot in the Garden while Mummy ran around like a headless chicken inside

The cake tasted good, even though it was half the size it was meant to be

Gracie and the Polkadots

Gracie, the Polkadots and all her party guests

Gracie opening her gifts with her friend Laela

Gracie's favourite PINK Polkadot Dionne


Polkadot Carly said...

Ha ha! I LOVE IT! You are so honest with everything, its such entertaining reading! I'm so glad we got to be a part of Gracie's party, I would have been so sad if I wasn't able to be there.

Melissa said...

Gracie's face in that last shot is a crack up man.
Wish I could've been there.
Don't get down about food/cake failures.
You'll get better and kids don't care.

NSCorb said...

this may be a silly question,but what are polkadots? im guessing from the pictures people with dots on, but are they famous over there? Love your blog jessie, feels like i can keep in touch with u & ur life from so far away! you seem very happy & settled over there & im excited for your new addition too! any inkling what you think it will be?

Crystal said...

jess what a fab party you put on!! Gracie is such a cutie. I love your blog you should post more often. It is hard to imagine Preston being one! At the moment he is 3 months old and it's like "woohoo, you can hold up your giant head" and look at gracie, doing a freaking puzzle! : ) Also, Preston needs to make some friends in the next 9 months so he can have a party ha ha.

Kristin said...

Who are the Polkadots? I'm going to have to google them. For sure don't stress about it. By the time you're on your last kid, they won't even get a first bday party, and you won't feel bad at all! lol. Oh wait... maybe that's just me...

Jessie said...

The Polkadots are a kids entertainment group., they are AWESOME, and whats even cooler is they are all young Mums, two of them are even pregnant right now and still dancing around. They are all in our stake (Bar 1) and they are all mates of mine, hence why I was so lucky to get them at Gracie's party.
Natalie - do you have a blog?

NSCorb said...

ah i see, thats why we don't have them over here then! lol. good for them, i checked out the website & it looks like lots of fun, how great to have a job that's kid focused! are they due about the same time as you?
i do jessie, i started it in 2009 & stopped in 2009 as i got so busy with rohan, it's not like im less busy now of course, but i missed doing it so ive started again this month. it's (im still working on the layout, quite new to it all still, but tis fun to work it out) at the moment it's private so pls e-mail ur addy to me jessie :) i might make it public again this week, im not sure. :)