Wednesday, June 27, 2012

No Mess Painting .......Now thats my kind of painting!

I'm by myself till 9 tonight and the kids woke up early from their nap so Gracie needed some entertaining. By some MIRACLE I had a clean house and nothing on my to do list so I decided we should get creative.
Had a bit of a search on my 'For the Kiddlywinks' board on pinterest and cane across This Lady's Blog. My criteria was quick, crafty, no mess and this is what came up....................

 Chalkboard Water Painting!!!!

Painting around her hand

She LOVED it. It kept her occupied for about half an hour while I fed Joshie and played with him for a little bit. 
It was so quick and easy. You don't even have to do those stripes you can just rub the duster over the board.
If we have a day at home and I ask Gracie what she wants to do she always asks to paint, and it stresses me out but I can't say no.
Gracie loves painting and I hate mess.
Chalkboard Water Painting here we come! 


mad-midwife said...

what a stress free way to paint !! I've never even thought about it !!

Well done Jess x ooh and Gracie too ! x

Melissa said...

Very clever Jessie.
I love it.

Llew said...

cool man, awesome idea... no mess... no fuss