Monday, June 18, 2012

Sick Kids = ZERO fun

I have pretty much been wiping snot and cleaning vomit from the carpet for three weeks now. They were pretty good apart from the last of Joshie's chesty cough coming out. It is FREEZING down there, at least 3 degrees colder and I guess the kids immune system didn't handle it too well cause Gracie and Joshie both go worse and now Gracie has just woken up early from her nap (I was really enjoying having both kids asleep) with a temp of 38.5. So I have shoved her in front of the TV and she is SILENT and STILL and I am enjoying myself, for now. This part of being sick is the ONLY good thing to come of it, it doesn't however, make up for the lack of sleep, constant crying and whinging, coughing fits which lead to vomit and cabin fever. Saying my prayers that they both are back to normal soon, Joshie needs his 5 month immunisations and hasn't been able to have them :(


Kristin said...

SO Sorry Jessie. What are you doing to stay sane and help yourself? My motto, "There's help. SEEK IT!"
Good luck, prayers and good wishes to you guys!

Jessie said...
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Jessie said...

They have been sick on and off so it wasn't as bad as when we all got Gastro. There have been days where it is only a runny nose so I just go out and do the shopping. Two days before we went to Tok they were both fine, Gracie had a play date and did her polkadots classes but then we got there and the temperature hit them. I think I need to let them recover PROPERLY, or just accept that it's winter and get on with life lol.

Melissa said...

Oh sorry Jessie.
Sick kids are NOT FUN.
I hope they get better soon.
Were they sick i Tok?