Tuesday, July 24, 2012

FHE Success - Burying Our Weapons of War

Haydn is the new gospel doctrine teacher and two weeks ago he taught Alma: 24 about the Anti-Nephi-Lehies burying their weapons of war. He challenged us to find something that was causing contention and a lack of peace in our lives and burying it.
I didn't really think much about it, but the very next day I was planning Family Home Evening (click on the link if you would like to know what Family Home Evening is) and I found this lady's blog whilst searching my pinterest boards.
The 'Burying Weapons' lesson was the most recent post and I couldn't believe my luck. Perfect!
I just used cereal boxes and tinfoil, a vivid and a pot from outside.

Our house has been very busy and crazy and out of routine lately and we have all been very moody and sleep deprived, so the timing couldn't have been better.
We each thought of one thing we could bury to get rid of the contention and bad feelings in our house.
I hope Gracie picked up the general idea of it.
We had 
 "Putting Family first until Kids are in bed" (I guess you have to reverse this to make it a weapon) and
"Not Sharing my toys"
Can you guess who's is who's? lol

We haven't been doing too well the last few days and we need to try harder but writing them down has made us accountable to each other.
Maybe we should have buried them a little deeper......

It was a fun lesson anyway and Gracie stayed focussed the WHOLE time.


Melissa said...

Man thats a great lesson Jess.
I'm going to go to that link.

Kristin said...

Awesome object lesson.

Is shouting bad? Dang.

You guys have been busy-- looks like tons of fun though!