Sunday, January 31, 2010

Young Mens - Not for the faint hearted

Well, we decided we needed to have a young mens activity before they all go back to school in February. So sure enough we decided to have an xbox night and then a beach day. I had work and decided to go a little bit later and see how everyone was doing and when I went there it was like entering a sauna, with a bit of toe jams mixed in lol, nah the smell wasn't that bad, but someone kept complaining that someone had toe jams lol. But what I noticed is that there was a lot of contention and fights just about breaking out. There were about 10 kids there and 2 xbox's so that's 8 controllers. I'm not too sure if ill have another one because of that reason. Like there was some trash talking which is all good, but then there was personal attacks lol. Apparently the boys couldn't get past that I wasn't staying the night. I told them I had a pregnant wife to go home too but they didn't understand. I was like mate you will understand when you have a wife that you wanna be home with at night So I came back in the morning and they had asked me to come back at 10am cos they wouldn't be up at 9, I told them I'll come at 9 and cook breakfast. Sure enough when I came they were all playing xbox and glued to the screen. We played a little bit then headed off to the beach. A youth explained to us that high tide was always around 12noon every day hahahahah so we got there and what was it............ low tide, which meant we couldn't jump off the wharf which was the plan. So we played a little big of cricket and rugby in the water and that's where the injuries began. 1 dived onto a rock and got smashed and I smashed my chin on a boys head. His head got sliced and my chin got this chunk out. Both of us were fine but blood was coming out like crazy so we called it a day. Now when Jessie saw this she thought I was nuts and needed to go to the hospital straight away and get stitches (it was bleeding a LOT) I thought that i would be ok. All is well now but there are always a few things you learn in these experiences. 1. too many youth plus games equals rumbles and 2. I'm going to help all my children when they have cuts or bleeding cos Jessie wasn't handling it too well. But that's ok gives me time with them and I look forward to that.


Melissa said...

Ah Haydn you need to go to the ER and get stitches mate or it's gonna scar way gross.

Kristin said...

Scars = Real man

Jessie, you look so cute! I know, you don't think so, but you do.

Good luck guys! Exciting!