Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Cozy Coupe

So Sharon (Jessie's Mum) brought this for Gracie. I thought to my self "what is the point to this if you can't race it down a hill". So I Pushed grace down the hill hahahah. Now the first one is the best
now this second one listen for the little horn at the end. Its Gracie's head hitting it when I tried to stop her hahahaha, ya gotta love it



ahahhahahahahaha! Oh guys!! That is sooooo hilarious!! I don't know what is more funny, Gracie hitting her head on the horn or Jessie saying 'HAYDN!' in the background. ha ha ha!! Super cool!!!!

Melissa said...

Man that was mad funny.
I feel the same as the Higgins comment.

Kristin said...

Is it just me, or does she look rather bored with the whole affair? lol.
I'm not sure you can be trusted Haydn...