Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Week Four of The Mum Challenge

This weeks challenge is to Stay Positive. (Again very much needed right now)

Children - and adults - need positive attitudes and lots of praise.There are many benefits that praise and positive attitudes have. Behavior can improve, children feel better about themselves, children adopt the positive thinking ways. Plus if you use positive words and a positive attitude to your relationship with your children you better believe that it will spill over to other relationships! Nothing makes you feel better or less stressed that a positive attitude!

Last weeks Challenge was to live a FabuLESS life and (with the 4 days I had to practice it) I don't think I did too well.
Gracie started spewing AGAIN the same night I posted last week! I had been feeling a lot better and Gracie was back to normal, I was a little annoyed as I didn't get to go to my Book Clubs Hot Chocolate night OR the Elders Quorum activity and I had to STAY IN THE HOUSE AGAIN with the kids while Haydn went to help with the activity. The activity was a progressive dinner and dessert was meant to be at our house but we decided it might be better to have it upstairs at the Reid's house, Debbie came down and offered to watch the kids while I went up to socialise it was GREAT, I was so relaxed and re-energized afterwards then BAM we woke up at midnight to Gracie crying and had to run her to the bathroom again. Haydn gave up after that grabbed a blanket and slept on the couch, he wasn't feeling well and didn't want to get sick before his school camp on Monday night, so I went it alone. She threw up about 8 times from 12-6am and Saturday wasn't that much fun as I was running on 3 hours broken sleep. Haydn let me lie in the next morning (so he should) and he dealt with Gracie because she was all better. Now I wasn't the most pleasant person to be around on saturday but I was practising my fabuLESS life. I was angry at Haydn because of that night but when I thought about it, I sort of expected it. I mean he was done too. I was annoyed that Gracie STILL wasn't better and that I wouldn't be able to go to church either, but she had gone a couple of night without spewing earlier in the week and relapsed so it wasn't such a shock. I went to bed saturday night with NO expectations and I had a full nights sleep! (barring Joshie waking for food) Then I spent the last three days expecting Gracie to get sick, expecting Haydn to shut down and leave me to it but nothing happened.
I don't expect Gracie to do well when I have to go to 5 different shops and run errands SO I did them on Saturday afternoon whilst they were sleeping and Haydn stayed in to babysit. It was SO nice to be by myself. I don't expect Gracie to do well while I clean the whole house on a Monday morning so because I got up late on Monday instead of cleaning I baked with Gracie and then set up the pool outside with Blue Food colouring and bubbles then gave her some lunch and put her down to sleep, THEN I did the cleaning and we were both a lot happier for it.
This challenge has been useful, I mean I don't want to sound negative (what was this weeks challenge again?) but basically things went well because I either didn't even attempt the thing I wanted to in the first place or expected it to be a total disaster and ended up being pleasantly surprised!
Gracie threw a tantrum for the first time in three days this morning so I think we are doing well.
I would quite like to go to enrichment night tonight, but Haydn has a touch game so I don't EXPECT that I am going to get to go, I am moving on.

Until next week.

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