Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Week 5 of the Mum Challenge

This weeks challenge is to Celebrate the simple things.
Find something that your child does that makes you proud - and celebrate. It doesn't have to be a giant party but do something a little more than just telling them! I think this can be such a fun challenge and one that is unexpected! You don't have to spend a lot of money or even a lot of time. The point is for the child to be acknowledged for something and for you to go out of your way to tell them awesome job - you rock! It feels so good to be appreciated and acknowledged. Show them that the little things matter!

Here are some examples:
Learning to tie their own shoes - get a fun colored pair of shoelaces
Doing their homework - surprise them with their favorite dinner
Putting away their toys - rent a movie from Red Box
Waking up on time for school (perfect for those of you with kids who either don't like to get up or high school kids!) - make a cake and write awesome job for waking up!
Spot your child reading - pick up a few new books
Paint an awesome picture at preschool - frame it and put it up
Write a note, bake something, take them to a movie, rent a movie, post a picture, pick up a favorite candy bar, let them have a Sprite with dinner (this is a big deal at our house!!) do something!

Last weeks challenge was to stay positive and to be honest I didn't really consciously do it LOL. But I had a good week. I have been a little bit more relaxed with keeping house etc, and I have been happier for it. I am not ready to let it all go, I mean my standards are what makes me ME and having a clean and tidy house with everything in it's rightful place makes me happy, BUT it wasn't working in with my kids and my kids make me happy too so I had to find a balance, it's still a work in progress but I'm doing well!
I've also been doing a lot more crafts and things from my pinterest page which I have really been enjoying and sort of charges me up mentally for when my kids are awake and just gives me a bit more patience and a bit more positiveness. So I think staying positive isn't so much changing how you think about things, but taking time to do things that recharge you so that when the bad times come you are in a much better mind set to deal with it.
Can't wait to do this weeks challenge.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

every time i read about your neat/clean/orderly house i feel guilty for my messy/dirty/disorganised house. I think you would die if you came over unexpectedly and saw the my bomb site. i need to change! i always avoid right now i started cleaning our bedroom and after 10 minutes somehow ended up on your blog instead