Friday, March 23, 2012

Week 7 of The Mum Challenge

This weeks challenge is to Take Time for YOU.
So this week's challenge is to set up a date. A date with yourself. Tell the hubby (or find a sitter) to come watch the kids (or take the kids out!) and do your own thing. This does NOT include: running errands, cleaning up the house, surfing Pinterest looking for dinner ideas, or doing laundry. This time is just FOR you. And YOU only. Go get your nails done. Meet up with a girlfriend for appetizers (and a margarita), go shopping (for yourself!!), go see that chick flick, head to the flea market, take a nap! Do something for yourself! You deserve it!!

I knew about this challenge earlier I just didn't post it, maybe I should blog every Friday instead of Tuesday, then I will never be late.
Anyway this week I have been on a walk with a friend, been visiting teaching (trust me this was ME time I had SO much fun) and tonight I have book club. Granted book club is at my house but Haydn is in charge I just get to sit there and eat strawberry's and cream cake which I will be making shortly.
I also plan to go shopping (for kids clothes (FAIL)) by myself tomorrow and I am in DESPERATE need of a pedicure, my feet are so dry, so maybe I will do that to warrant calling it me time! Seeing as I haven't had any me time in a long time I have some money saved up and I can justify wasting it on a Blissful pedicure!
Isn't it amazing how refreshed you feel after alone time (which I never get) and how much more you appreciate and love your kids when they aren't IN YOUR FACE 24/7 (like seriously while I was washing my face and getting ready for my walk this week Haydn and Gracie were playing the drums ..............ON MY BUTT!! thanks Haydn and Grace you made my walk and alone time all the more enjoyable!)
Even if you aren't following my blog and you read this I think you should all take some me time this week no matter what.


Melissa said...

I don't know what I'd do.
I need to think about this.
I went to book club the other night.
That was so nice to sit and talk with other women.
I came home and Dru was a little exasperated due to Emiko crying most the of the time I was gone since it's her 'fussy' time.
I secretly thought to myself 'I don't feel sorry for you mate, not one bit' and took her in my arms and got to her fall asleep.
I'd get my toes done with you if I was in Aux.
I'd love to get them done.
You must have such rock hard buns they're great for playing drums with ;)

Crystal said...

playing drums on your bum! Yep I say go for the pedicure!!! sounds like bliss.

Kristin said...

On your BUTT?! LOL.

I used to have this saying in vinyl on my kitchen wall. I may get it again when we move.

"Raising children is like being pecked to death by a chicken."


Enjoy your pedicure!

Ash... said...

Oh too funny... poor you Jess, drums on your butt, I dont know! LOL... I hope you got to have that pedi :)